Fri Dec 10 15:46:29 PST 2010

wherein bbot writes a story about a robot

I've written about the SCP Foundation before, and not terribly fondly. But recently I was linked back to the site from a tvtropes page, which reminded me of how much I like the basic concept, and also reminded me that I half wrote a SCP.

"Well heck and gosh," thought I. "Might as well finish it." So I did, and after some hilarious confusion regarding some SCP numbers that had changed in the year since I had started writing, I completed the story of SCP-384.

I hate blog posts that just link to some other thing, so have a quote:

Description: SCP-384-1 is the uploaded personality of a person who calls themself "David Langford", inhabiting a humanoid robot of extremely advanced design, claiming to be from the year 2074. It was discovered ██/██/19██, in ███████, and, unusually, was recovered with no civilian casualties by a joint operation with ███████ █. The cover story and disbursement of amnesics for the recovery operation was complex, see document D384-1 for details.

Its external armor and load bearing frame is composed of diamond composite that ███████████████ characterizes as "fairly typical of late-stage atomic mechanosynthesis." Its computer core is several dozen kilograms of what SCP-384-1 characterizes "adiabatic femtotechnological computronium", a computer that is composed of synthetic subatomic particles.

I cherrypicked the one paragraph that sounds smart, the rest of it is pretty much just wall to wall dick jokes, as well as the most obscure Protomen reference ever to exist.

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