Filed under: Engineering

2016/12 - commuter bike, 360 miles later - Engineering
2016/11 - fun and games with 3d printers - Engineering
2016/06 - using ROS with the Neato XV-11 in the year 2016 - Engineering
2016/06 - sawbot for VEX Worlds 2016 - Engineering
2016/03 - connector savers and USB devices - Engineering
2014/03 - replacing the battery in a cheap solar charger - important, Engineering
2013/10 - programmatically advertising mobile bandwidth cost: a proposal - important, Engineering
2013/05 - keeping my ass warm - Engineering
2012/06 - biolite camp stove - important, Engineering
2012/05 - come on up, get your extremely impractical ideas here - important, Engineering
2012/03 - not to mention road salt's going to kill it after a decade - important, Engineering
2012/02 - the pinnacle of evolution - important, Engineering, nerdery
2012/02 - more repping, rapping - Engineering
2012/02 - the state of the reprap field - important, Engineering
2010/10 - would the LHC blow up your hand? I do the math - Engineering, nerdery
2010/02 - why would they even put "renaissance" in the name - Engineering
2009/12 - the search for a smart clock - Engineering, Game Design
2009/11 - fragmented viewing - Engineering, Game Design
2009/07 - testing a battery pack like a man - Engineering
2009/05 - small iron II - Engineering
2009/02 - small iron - Engineering
2008/11 - Teardown: TA-954/TT Field Telephone - Engineering
2008/06 - brains and memory diamond - Engineering
2008/03 - just caddin it up - Engineering
2006/06 - bicycles! - Engineering