Filed under: Etc

2017/12 - commuter bike, 920 miles later - Etc
2016/08 - putting together a commuter bike - Etc
2012/07 - how to pass the washington state driver's test on your second try - important, Etc
2012/06 - Bad Transcript: Prometheus (2012) - important, Etc
2012/04 - looking ahead to our glorious future - Etc
2012/01 - happy friday - Etc
2011/11 - unsubscribed - Etc
2011/10 - server log fun - important, Etc
2011/07 - baying apocalyptic death cult - important, Etc
2011/05 - bitcoin, five months later - important, Etc
2011/03 - PSA: RSS - important, Etc
2011/02 - consoles for sale, getcher hot, fresh consoles here - Etc
2010/12 - wherein a party is planned - Etc
2010/12 - encrypting a better tomorrow - Etc
2010/11 - talking the talk VII - Etc
2010/11 - running down a dream - Etc
2010/02 - your daily dose of Amazon chicanery - Etc
2010/02 - wherein bbot is old at heart - Etc
2010/01 - leaping out of the nest and smashing into the ground - Etc
2010/01 - Bad Transcript: Avatar (2009) - Etc
2009/08 - you learn new things every day - Etc
2009/08 - etrade really could use a decent search engine - Etc
2009/07 - omerta - Etc
2009/06 - jesusphone, twenty eight days later - Etc
2009/06 - jesusphone day two - Etc
2009/06 - buying the new jesusphone - Etc
2009/05 - .plan I - Etc
2009/05 - wie ich ISPs hasse - Etc
2009/05 - rest in peace - Etc
2009/04 - coraline and the future of 3D movies - Etc
2009/04 - nerdery - Etc
2009/03 - games, and the journaling thereof - Etc
2009/02 - blind nostalgia and cars - Etc
2009/02 - streaming video and captions - Etc
2009/02 - a love letter to Zipcar, and some very local news - rage, Etc
2009/01 - hot-linking fun II - Etc
2009/01 - media, and the centering thereof - Etc
2009/01 - annoyances - Etc
2009/01 - Review: Fallout 3: Part 1, The Ending - Etc
2008/12 - some blogs of note - Etc
2008/09 - spacex achieves orbit, finally - Etc
2008/09 - the coming apocalypse - Etc
2008/09 - the DS, first impressions - Etc
2008/09 - Liveblog: PAX, day 3 - Etc
2008/08 - Liveblog: PAX, day 2 - Etc
2008/08 - Liveblog: PAX, day 1 - Etc
2008/08 - another day in the life - Work, Etc
2008/05 - caustics, errata, emerald city comicon - Meta, Etc
2008/04 - talking the talk II - Etc
2008/04 - talking the talk - Etc
2007/03 - omg google - Etc
2006/08 - wheee - Etc