2012 Archives

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2012/12 - "How would I get started" and the problem of truth - important, nerdery
2012/10 - why does nanoblogger generate broken links - Linux
2012/10 - wherein I write a guest post - nerdery
2012/09 - escape.sh - Linux
2012/08 - ntpblogging II - important, Linux
2012/08 - ntpblogging - Linux
2012/07 - how to pass the washington state driver's test on your second try - important, Etc
2012/06 - biolite camp stove - important, Engineering
2012/06 - Bad Transcript: Prometheus (2012) - important, Etc
2012/06 - cod blops 2 - important, Game Design
2012/05 - come on up, get your extremely impractical ideas here - important, Engineering
2012/04 - looking ahead to our glorious future - Etc
2012/04 - gcc why you gotta hurt me so - nerdery
2012/03 - fun with animated images
2012/03 - fun facts - nerdery
2012/03 - fun with spiders - important, Game Design
2012/03 - donate or die 2012 - important, Meta
2012/03 - not to mention road salt's going to kill it after a decade - important, Engineering
2012/02 - protip - nerdery
2012/02 - the pinnacle of evolution - important, Engineering, nerdery
2012/02 - using application/ecmascript on nginx - important, Linux
2012/02 - more repping, rapping - Engineering
2012/02 - oh boy, space marines - nerdery
2012/02 - the state of the reprap field - important, Engineering
2012/01 - happy friday - Etc
2012/01 - fun and games with unix pipes - important, Linux
2012/01 - when "pretty secure" isn't secure enough - important, Linux