2008/09/08 05:54:52

presenting: a transcript of a youtube video

In the spirit of Sam512's transcript of >9000, I present, "The Scout's" Sexy Suspender Striptease"; a youtube poop of the Meet The Scout video. Watch them in order for maximum context, or not!

Typographic conventions: "Text:" denotes on screen text added by the editor. "--" denotes a jump cut. Four repetitions of anything is taken to mean "many", to avoid having to count a specific number.

Meet the Scout:

The Scout's Sexy Suspender Striptease:

The TF2 Sting plays over the title card. --ing --ing --ing --ing

The Scout taps a Heavy, eating a sandvich, in the head with a baseball bat.

Scout: Yo, what's up?

The Scout hits the heavy in the stomach with a baseball bat.

Scout: Bonk! -onk onk onk onk onk onk!

The Scout, in front of the title card.

Scout: Grass grows, grass --flies, grass --shines, and brother, grass --hurts people. --pl --pl --pl --pl

Scout: Wooooo! --ooo! --ooo! --ooo! --ooo!

Scout: If I --ooo! was from --ooo! where grass --ooo! was from? --ooo! I'm a force of nature. --ooo!

Scout: Bonk!

Scout: And brudda, if you? --ooo!

Heavy: Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh!

Scout: --ooo!

Scout: Birds --grow --grass.

The scout taps the camera repeatedly, forming a musical scale.

Scout: I'm a f(BEEP)ckin--

Heavy: Arrgh!

Scout: Nee-- grow, Nee-- grow, Nee-- grow, Nee-- grow, Nee-- grow, Nee-- grow.


Scout pauses.

Scout: Okay.

The Scout screams "Woo!" repeatedly, forming a musical scale.

Scout: Aggggg! -g! -g! -g! -g! -g!

Scout: Okay.

Scout: --g --g --g --g --g --ass --ass --ass --ass --ass --s --s --s --s --s

The Scout screams "Woo!" repeatedly, forming a melody.

Scout: That's beautiful. Uuf --uf --uf --uf --uf

Scout: Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh!

Heavy: Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh!

Scout: Abu --dabu --dabu --dabu --dabu

Scout: I mean --uh --do you have any idea, --a --a --a --a --who I am.

Heavy: Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh!

Scout: Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh! Arrgh!

Scout: Arrrrrrrrrgh!

Heavy: Arrgh!

Scout: You listening? You listening? --ng --ng --ng --ng. You listening?

The Scout pauses.

Scout: You listening?

Scout: Woo --ooo! --ooo! --ooo! --ooo!

The Scout taps a Heavy, eating a sandvich, in the head with a baseball bat. --taps --taps --taps The heavy turns to look, then turns away.

Scout: --ta --ta --ta --ta --DoyouhaveanyideawhoIam. --Grass grows --Grass grows --grows --grows --Grass grows --Grass grows

Scout: Bonk!

Scout: Birds --shines, and brudda, I hurtya --brudda --brudda --brudda

Scout: --ya --ya --ya --ya --ya

Scout: I --grow --grass

Heavy: Arrgh!

Scout: Bonk!

The scout surveys the building housing the central capture point in cp_well, in slow motion, while a song plays in the background. He smirks, cycles the action on his shotgun, and begins to sprint forwards. A Blu, level one sentry tracks, and fires two shots.


The TF2 sting plays over a group shot of the Red team.

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